The 4 Secrets to Automotive Service Shop Success

by | Oct 7, 2014 | Management

The 4 Secrets to Automotive Service Shop Success

Does this sound like you?

  • You have all the experience in the world.
  • You brag about your love for and knowledge of cars.
  • You may be the most personable mechanic around.
  • You are good with numbers.
But that doesn’t mean you’ll succeed in the automotive service industry.

If you have all four qualities, you’ll have a leg up on the competition. Yet, you’ll still be missing a key ingredient.

Running a successful and profitable automotive shop takes more than a love for cars, the right skills, and repair bays.

The 4 secrets to automotive service shop success you need to know how to:

  • Set prices based on costs
  • Manage and train staff
  • Market to existing and prospective customers
  • Make a compelling case to keep customers coming back

As a former shop owner and founder of in 1999, I’ve been where you are and learned a lot from training thousands of shop owners. I know what it’s like to need step-by-step instructions to do all the things you hope your accountant and attorney can show you—but can’t. This is the information shops pay thousands of dollars (a month in many cases) to learn.

In this blog, I’m sharing all the things I wished someone would have shared with me when I was just starting out—or when I was floundering—in an easy-to-read format with real-world examples.

What’s the solution?

In an ideal world, your CRM should create condition-based recommendations. Your customers would get a vehicle service profile at the point of vehicle drop-off with all history aged based on daily mileage. Customers love the full disclosure of service history, and informed customers buy more maintenance.

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