Here’s What a Successful Auto Repair Front-Counter Exchange Looks Like

Apr 25, 2017 | Management, Sales

Heres What a Successful Auto Repair Front Counter Exchange Looks Like
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

That’s probably a saying you’ve been hanging onto, knowing that the automotive service industry is changing, but unsure what to do about it.

Women are flocking to shops that understand them.

And these shops are cashing in – literally – on the business women are sending their way.

So what about your shop? What can it do to create a successful front-counter exchange with women – and men?

Put some women on the front line. And not just service writers. Get some women technicians on the floor, too.

Train techs and support staff to listen to female customers. Let them talk. Don’t interrupt them. While the customer is recounting the problem, she’ll likely have more to say. So techs shouldn’t jump in with a possible solution until they’ve heard the whole story.

Learn how to discuss recommendations.

Don’t give one-line answers like “The car needs new brakes.”

Provide lots of details and proof to back up your recommendations, and explain why the service is being done.

If you have access to technology that outlines the connection between service records, the age of parts, and the miles that are driven, customers can’t argue with your recommendations.

Stay in communication with customers. Let her know what stage the work is at and when you expect to finish it.

Text message updates are an easy way to communicate progress.

When she shows up to retrieve her car, let her get a look at the work that was done.

Shifting your automotive service shop’s way of doing business isn’t difficult. But it does require some effort and change.

They’re worthwhile, however, if you can harness some of those spending dollars that female drivers are doling out.

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