How to get MAXIMUM ROI from your PM Services – Sign Up
PM Labor is very expensive if you don’t easily find “Who Needs What” and apply PM Intelligent Workflow to ensure you are not missing what the vehicle needs based on each customers driving habits.
This training will show you how your canned jobs can drive 150% Efficiency for all your vital fluid services and current technology that show you in 30 seconds or less, Who Needs What.
There is PM Services Intelligence that once applied you can forever know your PM services are profitable in three ways:
- Volume: truly meeting vehicles’ needs based on how EACH customer drives
- Gross Profit, GP, Dollars. Build PM Services to be profitable even with discounts!
- All PM services set to be at 150% or more Tech Efficiency
In this workshop, you will learn how to:
- Build the canned PM Services to be GP Profitable.
- Building in 150% Tech Efficiency – Your Techs will love you for this!
- Building in Customer buying incentives – Your Customers will love you for this!
- Building in Tech and/or Advisor selling incentives – Your Team will love you for this!
- Using the Service-Intel ROI PM Equipment Calculator, you will know how many services per day, month, or year to pay off equipment.
- Simple ways to motivate your customers to buy, your advisors to sell and your techs to find all the legitimate PM services.
- Prepping each customer visit gains shops $150,000 to $200,000 in annual PM Sales.
- Time-Saving steps for pre-authorization and front-loading PM services to the RO
- Getting your CRM to send customer-specific vital PM Service reminders for how they drive.
Know a shop that could use this? Please forward this to them so they too can be part of this complimentary training.

Your Trainer:
Dave Schedin
40+ Years automotive experience
Former Shop Owner | ASE Master Tech | Master Automotive Coach
Accomplishments: $311K/YR Average GP Gain at 50+ Shops
ultimately Profitable labor rate
made easy
1 - Register for Training
CLICK HERE to register for the FREE 30 minute online training
2 - Watch the Training
Watch the training to MAXIMIZE ROI from your PM Services
3 - Labor Rate Tool
Use this tool to MAXIMIZE ROI from your PM Services
4 - Increase Profits
Watch your profits increase by MAXIMIZING your PM services ROI